Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 16: Creative Outlets

Something that I've really enjoyed about the 100 word a day challenge is the opportunity to do something creative on a daily basis. For several years I did a photo of the day, but since moving to Georgia that has passed on. I became so busy with work and all of all the other things that life inevitably throws at you, that it just teetered off. It wasn't a conscious thing, it just happened in its own timing. I think it had run its course and fulfilled its intention.   

For quite some time I forgot how important it was to have an outlet for creativity. Sure, I still painted and did photography occasionally. But it wasn't on a daily basis. I have since come to realize how important it is to do something creative every day.

Right now I have two major projects that I work on daily. This blog, and the Mr. Tea chronicles (if you don’t know what I’m talking about check out my instagram feed). Of course there are many other creative after-work ventures that I partake in, but those two happen every day regardless.

My job is not one that allows for creativity. In fact, it is the opposite of creative. I deal with cold hard facts, numbers, and lab results. But I NEED to create something. It’s an integral part of me that affects my well being and attitude. I have found myself during the day thinking about things to write, or things to do with Mr. Tea. It has given me something to look forward to during the 40+ hour week that I'm at work. It serves as a mental break and a time to reflect.

I would urge anyone reading this right now to find your creative outlet and channel your energy into it consistently. You’ll thank yourself.

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