Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 1: 100 Word Challenge

It has only been 4 years, 10 months, 8 days since my last post on this blog. My reason for crafting a new post after such an extraordinarily long hiatus? Well I am participating in the (at least) 100 words a day for 100 days challenge. So here's day one. Let's see how long I can keep this up.

On the Dahlonega square people bundled in clothes scurried quickly from shop to shop attempting to avoid the gripping southern fragments of Hercules. 
After celebrating humanity at one of the many antique stores in town, we decided it was time to seek sustenance. Preferably hot, steaming and soul warming sustenance. We quickly found ourselves at a favorite of ours, it was where we ate breakfast on the day that I asked Katie to be my wife, a place simply called “The Picnic Cafe”. 
Behind the glass, the warm air smelled of freshly baked bread as we sipped on steaming hot coffee and watched as the aforementioned people skittered purposefully in search of warmth. 

 -Dane Gustafson

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