Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 45: Of Laundromats and Snow

There are still a few random patches of snow outside. On my drive to work this morning I saw them scattered around town, picking up the early morning rays. I still can't believe that they've hung around for so long. I was even more amazed when I saw them on my way back home from work too. My thermometer in the car was reading 70 and yet there they were. Tucked in corners of yards and roofs.

I had to go to the laundromat today after work. I never had to go there growing up, so that's been a cultural experience since moving into a place without a washer and dryer. There are some "interesting" people that frequent there. Sometime I'll have to share the story about how I broke up a fight there.

Laundry is done, but there are still quite a few things to do before we're ready to move. All in good time though. 

I didn't put much thought into this post. It's just a stream of consciousness really. Ain't nobody got time fo' that.  

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