Sunday, March 2, 2014

Day 57: Lizard Tails

I used to love to catch lizards growing up. I still do actually. Well except we don't really have any here in Georgia. I remember one of the first times I saw a lizard lose it's tail. I was chasing a particularly large green anole when I waited for the most opportune time and reached out to grab it. I caught part of his tail between two of my fingers and I watched in horror as the tail was torn from the lizard's body. There it was, between my fingers still wriggling back and forth. It did that for a while too, which really freaked me out.

I remember guiltily telling my mom about what happened ( my eyes may have been leaking a little too). She explained to me about how lizards can grow their tails back and that it's actually a survival strategy to ward off enemies. I felt better about it and realized that the strategy had worked really well on me. 

Just like a lizard's tail, sometimes we have to let go of things that are important to us in order to survive. It can hurt, just like the separating of skin and bone that occurs when a lizard lets go of his precious appendage. But eventually those things that we have to let go of will be replaced.

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