The smell of freshly cut grass permeated the warm summer air as the sound of lawnmowers and music echoed across the subdivision. Men in hats and sunglasses stood in front of their grills wearing shorts and flip flops. Children played in their yards, laughing and giggling as they ran through sprinklers. Mothers tended to their gardens as they kept the children within earshot.
Thunder boomed distantly as a giant wall of dark clouds began to roll in like a slow-motion tidal wave. Mothers began to emerge from their houses and gardens calling their children inside as the storm approached. The grilling men flipped the sizzling meat faster and lawnmowers were driven to shelter and shut off. The subdivision became quiet, save for the occasional car driving by and the crackling thunder.
Pets, children, and parents peered out from their windows as the rain started cascading down from the clouds. It was light at first; just barely coating the ground in a slick sheen. The water stored in the hovering darkness was hesitant to throw itself upon the earth at first. But then like a cavalry charge, the large droplets were forcefully ripped from the clouds by gravity.
The home dwellers were safe and sound as they watched the water pour and lightning strike, knowing that in just a few hours the storm would pass and outdoor activities could resume once again.
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