Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 60: Random Thoughts While Trying to Sleep

I have a lot of trouble sleeping sometimes. I've taken sleep aids, tried counting sheep and even exercised when I'm having insomnia. Sometimes those things work and sometimes they don't.

About a month or so ago, I didn't sleep much at all for about a week. I went several nights with only an hour or two of slumber. Part of my problem is that I can't turn my brain off. Sometimes I find myself thinking some of my deepest thoughts when I can't sleep. Or at least, they seem really deep at the time but I end up laughing at them later. Here are a few of them.

If time travel were ever going to be possible, we would already know about it. Why? Because just like with any new technology, people will find a way to troll it. The flag raising at Iwo Jima would definitely have been photo-bombed by somebody, as well as all other famous historical photos. Music videos and films would be ruined by time traveling trolls as well. But there would also be obvious good that would come from the time travelers too. Somebody would have told the captain of the titanic to steer clear of the iceberg, all terrorist attacks would have been thwarted and of course Firefly never would have been cancelled.

Speaking of time travel, this one hit me a while ago too. So say you could travel faster than the speed of light. Say that you also had a telescope that could zoom in on something at a ridiculous setting. Well you could travel light years away and then watch past events unfold on earth with said telescope. You could observe the pyramids being built, or the great wall of China going up. This kinda blew my sleep deprived mind.

I also had the notion that small creatures like bugs or tiny mammals can see the world in slow motion. How else could a fly or a mouse have such fast reaction time? 

And this one. What if animals are being controlled by sleeping people on the other side of the world? When I sleep at night I'm actually controlling a dog in China until I wake up in the morning and the dog goes to sleep? What if your dear little American dog is actually a Chinese business man during the day?


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