So as of this very post I have done exactly 50 consecutive days of blogging! It's been so much fun to write something every day. It has stretched me as a writer and forced me to reach for different subjects to write about which sometimes leads to some deep thoughts and introspection.
I definitely have to thank Corinne (Corinne's Blog) for coming up the idea and my wife Katie (Katie's Blog) for encouraging me to go for it. It's been fun when we both make some time after work to write for our respective blogs. It's calming in a way and I always look forward to reading what she's written.
Well today and yesterday sure have been eventful. All of the furniture is out of the house and we are sleeping in front of the fireplace in the living room. It's pretty cozy even though the house looks like a tornado tore through it. We still have quite a bit of packing to do and some storage building runs to make, but I think the hardest part is done. We both are pretty exhausted and sore, but we're feeling better about getting out of here before the time is up.
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