Blue really is the best color. I often find my self drawn to blue things. In fact, the other day I was at the gas station and I was compelled to buy a drink solely on the fact that it was blue. As it turned out, it ended up being really good too. It was lemon flavored, which when you think about it is kind of strange for a blue colored drink.
As I'm writing this, I'm looking at my hands as they're tapping away on the keyboard and there are still little slivers of blue paint around my fingernails from painting our new room last night. Of course we painted it blue. Robin's Egg blue to be exact - which is really one of the best blues you can choose.
Did you know that blue is the most popular color among the world's population? The runner up is purple (for some reason that is beyond me). Why do people like blue so much? Perhaps it's because it's the color of the ocean and of the sky. Two things that we humans rely on for survival; air and water.
Well anyway, I'm looking forward to living in a blue room now.
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