The sun disappears behind the wispy early-morning clouds, diminishing its vibrant rays from spreading across the rain soaked salt marsh. The splash of a fish is heard as it’s disturbed by crunching feet on the white gravel. We stop short as my dad notices a group of white ibis and motions for us to stop. Crouching, we move slowly to the edge of the water with cameras at the ready. We are focused and unmoving, blending in with the still environment. As we begin to zoom and frame our shots the sun bursts from behind the cloud, once again spreading its light across the water-swept environment. Great lighting. A gentle, plop plop plop can be heard as the ibis hunt their tiny fish prey. Plop plop plop, snap snap snap as we take our shots.

Satisfied with the amount and quality of the photos taken, we move on down the trail. The gentle sound of water is the only thing to be heard besides the purposeful trudging of our feet. A slight breeze brushes against the marsh grass as it crosses over the water and swiftly past us. We hear a rustling and splashing sound. A great-blue heron with a wingspan of 4 ½ feet flies over us, dripping water, as we attempt to ready ourselves to take a shot. Alas, the heron is too swift. We lower our cameras and let the straps around our necks take the burden as we watch the majestic creature travel off towards the cloud-stripped sun.
Dad and I love coming out here together. Sometimes we don’t even see anything or take many photographs, but we still have a great time talking and spending time with each other. It’s quiet, there are no distractions and you can you just have time to reflect upon things. I guess this is why people like to go hunting. Instead of shooting a gun though, dad I and hunt our prey with cameras.
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