Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 13: Snooze


I’m ashamed to admit it. I really am. But I hit the snooze button every morning. Not once. Not twice. Sometimes it’s up to five or six times. There have even been a few mornings when I've hit the snooze so many times that when I actually got out of bed, I had five minutes to get ready for work. FIVE minutes!

I never used to take advantage of the snooze button, but in the last year or so it has been controlling my mornings. I think it’s because about a year ago I moved my alarm (iPhone) over to my nightstand. It’s just too convenient. Before, I had to get up and out of bed to decided whether or not I was going to hit the snooze (and I usually didn't).

So on Monday, when I have to go back to work, I am officially going to move my alarm clock far enough away that I have to get up to turn it off.

I hope this will help because, I like getting up early. I really do and I always have. It’s nice having a cup of tea, sitting down to have some quiet time, breakfast, and catching up on the news. I haven’t done that in a very long time because of that snooze button.


Corinne said...

Here's what I did (for like a week then I don't know what happened):
I set a really obnoxious loud alarm every day for the same time and went to bed at the same time every night. By the third day I started naturally waking up before the alarm went off.
I read that your body does this because it hates the shock of the alarm. Also in the same article I read that the quality of sleep you get while using the snooze button is really awful (because it gets interrupted) and makes you feel worse than if you'd just woken up or even slept the extra amount of time without a snooze.
Just some thoughts...

Unknown said...

Okay I'm going to have to try that. Also that's good to know about the bad quality of sleep while hitting the snooze. It gives me another reason to go snooze-less.