So I was doing my devotionals in the morning yesterday and as I was praying my stomach started growling. Now I thought I had gotten past those teenage years of constantly eating but for some reason in the last month I’ve been eating like a pimpled monster (no offense to those of you under 18). Coincidently I was reading through Mathew 4 where Jesus was being tempted in the desert, and I read the following verse.
Mathew 4:4
Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'
It got me to thinking, when I miss a meal, I know it. My stomach tells me, it grumbles and gives me hunger pains. Sometimes, if I’m hungry enough, my whole disposition changes for the worse. It’s the exact same way with my devotional time. When I miss my daily spiritual food my whole day suffers as a consequence. There have been some days where I’m just in a rotten mood and I’ll wonder why, and then I’ll realize that I wasn’t in The Word that day. Just like the physical hunger pains those spiritual signs become apparent in my day to day life.
A lot of times I pray before I go to bed that God would remind me in the morning to do my devotions. I also put my Bible in a place where it cannot be overlooked. These actions alone have been integral when it comes to combating that convenient forgetfulness that often befalls us.
It’s such a blessing when I am in the Word spending time prayerfully seeking His Will in my life. There is nothing greater than waking up to our savior and starting the day with Him. I love a quote that Greg Laurie uses. It was something that he saw in some sort of computer advertisement, but it says “Do you wake up to an alarm, or a calling?” I would hope and pray that when I wake up in the morning it’s because of a calling that The Lord has put in my life and not just because I have to get up and shut off my alarm.
Wow this was way longer than I intended it to be but I hope you all are blessed by it.
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