I think everyone who was old enough to understand the significance of the attacks on that day remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they received the news. I was on my computer playing Deus Ex of all things when I got a call from a family friend telling us that we needed to turn the TV on because something was happening in smoke as flames peeked in and out of the twisted gashes. At that point everyone thought it was a terrible accident but just a few moments later that was about to change. I remember watching the second plane come into the wide helicopter shot and my heart skipped a beat as it collided with the second tower. It went in one end and erupted in a fiery explosion that blew all the way through the building. After that I vividly remember watching the live footage of people jumping out of the buildings and landing to their deaths on the ground. Then I couldn’t believe what I was seeing when the buildings came crashing down and people were running away from the dust screaming.
The rest of the day I really couldn’t comprehend what had just happened. I remember being scared that we were going to be attacked next and I especially feared for my Dad who worked out at the gone that day and I feared for her too. Looking back now obviously the area where we live wouldn’t be any kind of a target but after seeing something like that your mind takes you places where it wouldn’t normally go and rational thinking goes right out the window. I remember in the evening just trying to calm myself by drawing and to this day I remember exactly what I drew all the way down to every single line and color.
I remember the days following 9/11 people would go to church who otherwise would have never set foot in one. Everyone proudly displayed an American flag. The patriotism in the air was palpable and people all came together for a common cause. People put stickers on their cars that said “9/11, Never Forget”. But too many people have forgotten. Too many people have taken down those American flags. Too many people of left those churches and haven’t been back since. Now there are these lunatics that claim our President, George W. Bush orchestrated those deadly attacks on our great nation. But today is the day that we need to look back and remember what that day meant to us as a country and as a people. Please, remember what happened on 9/11/01 and never forget it.
i sure remember that day too
Hey I've been on vacation for a week and just now got around to reading this. this is a really great writeup. I was just about to mow the lawn on that day when I heard the news. I'll never forget that.
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