Deadtown Abbey
Downton Abbey + The Walking Dead
Forget the trivial everyday problems of spoiled British upper class snobs. Just add a zombie apocalypse to the mix for some exciting results. Instead of Carson worrying himself to death over whether or not they will have a third footman at dinner, how about unleashing a few walkers upon said dinner party.
Of course Mr Bates saves the day as he reveals that his cane, is in fact a fully loaded shotgun. An American visitor named Rick also has a few tricks up his sleeve as he handily dispatches the undead menace. Thomas takes advantage of the situation (as always) to save himself by using Daisy and the rest of the kitchen staff as bait for the ensuing hoard.
Cousin Mathew takes off with the car full of refugees, which ends up in reality being a terrible idea. Because, as we know, Mathew has issues with distraction at the wheel. And that's all I have to say about that... (In my best Forrest Gump voice).
Nobody knows how the zombie epidemic started at Downton, but evidence points to Lady Grantham possibly being a walker all along.
Sherlock Bones
Sherlock + Bones
Bones and Booth chase the criminal mastermind Christopher Pellant to Great Britain. Upon arriving there they meet a greatcoat and scarf-wearing detective who is also searching for the same man. Except Sherlock calls him Moriarty (really they do look like the same person, did anyone else think that too?).
Both Bones and Sherlock clash epically as they both suffer from exceedingly brilliant minds and are also high functioning sociopaths. In the end they're both forced the jump off of a building in front of John and Booth. On the flip side though, in the two years that Sherlock and Bones are in hiding after faking their deaths, John Hamish Watson and Booth hit it off brilliantly and form a life-long transcontinental friendship while dealing with their grief.
Did you miss me?
Breaking Brady
Breaking Bad + The Brady Bunch.
Here’s a story about a lovely lady...
After the financial weight of supporting 9 humans in his overpopulated household, Tom Brady befriends a young street-smart entrepreneur named Jessie Pinkman. At first he attempts to treat him like one of his three sons and set him on the right path, but because of his urgent need for money Tom winds up cooking meth with Jessie. Fortunately for the both of them, Tom is an architect and designs hidden rooms in all of his building projects so that they always have a new place to cook meth. Things are going great and cash is flowing until the pair catch the attention of the local drug cartel, run by Sam the butcher.
Things go downhill quickly for the family in this very very Brady cautionary tale about money, drugs, and the underground world of illegal distribution.
Once Upon a Mayberry
The Andy Griffith Show + Once Upon a Time
Instead of the evil queen Regina sending all of the fairy tale characters to the town of Storybrooke, the curse accidentally transports them to the black and white classic American town of Mayberry. Sheriff Andy, Barney, and the rest of the town are shocked as they are invaded by the colorful (literally) folk of fantasy. But with family trees that branch and intersect in alarming ways, the folks from the other side fit right in with the deep southern town.
Opie is the first one to realize that the new arrivals are just like the ones from his stories and he quickly sets things in motion to defeat the evil queen and return things to normal for the visitors.
for poor overworked sheriff Andy, captain tight-pants (aka Emma) decides to help out as a
deputy. Unfortunately for her though, Andy only lets her keep one bullet in the
The Firefly Hillbillies
The Beverly Hillbillies + Firefly
Old Jed Clampet was out huntin' for some food one day when he heard something overhead. A massive spaceship landed near him and a brown coat-wearing captain offered him and his family travel away from their perilously poor lifestyle. They grabbed their belongings, packed up in old wooden trunks, and boarded the ship with all of their earthly belongings (and several critters that Elly May snuck aboard).
Besides consuming almost all of their rations (I'm looking at you Jethro), the Clampets were a welcome addition the the crew of the Serenity. Even though the ship smelled strangely of possum stew since their arrival. River took a particular interest in the animals brought on board by Elly May and Book instantly liked the down-to-earth nature of Jed. Granny may not have been the happiest crew member, but she was the only one who could keep Jayne under control at all times.
Sadly, they all met a terrible and premature end because of a rabid Fox that Elly May brought on board the ship.
See what I did there?